MIG Welding Torch Identification Guide

Use this handy rule-of-thumb guide to identify what brand/type of MIG welding gun you have.

Note that this covers the more common torches used in Australia for 150 Amp to 400 Amp MIG welders. Less common torches may not be shown.
ADDLER stocks these torches and the consumables/spare parts to suit.


What Colour Is The Nozzle (gas shroud)?


Silver / Chrome Nozzle

Often this means the torch is Binzel Style

Binzel style torches are fitted to many different MIG welding machines, including Unimig, Bossweld & many others.


Copper Nozzle

Often this means the torch is Tweco (or Magnum) Style

Tweco style torches are often fitted to Cigweld MIG welding machines. Magnum torches are often fitted to Lincoln welding machines.


Brass Nozzle

Often this means the torch is Bernard Style

Bernard style torches are often fitted to WIA and Miller MIG welding machines.

Call 1300 90 50 75 or visit www.addler.com.au

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